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The Pasture

A field of resources for equestrians who strive to care for their horses with a holistic approach in mind, desire a deep connection with their equine partners, and want to feel supported along the journey!

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Does mineral quality really matter?

Vitamins and Minerals are needed in order for the body to function; without vitamins and minerals, the body would eventually shut down. Each and every mineral ties into one another to strengthen the blood, organs, muscle fibers, joints, bones, fascia, and more – they work together to hold the body together.

hello there

I'm Tessa,

and It truly breaks my heart to see so many horse owners and equestrians struggling with their horses because of the lack of support in their horse care journey. It is so unfortunate that so many horse owners do not have the reliable information they need to learn how to care for their horses the way they were meant to be cared for - holistically.

Because I know exactly how it feels to waste tons of money, lose many nights of sleep from worrying about your horse's health and wellbeing, and overall feeling like you can't help them to the extent they need and deserve. As a life-long animal lover, I know how much you care about your horses, which is why I grow to love them as if they were my own and do everything I can to help them heal and thrive on every level of health possible!

you are not alone

Not sure where to start on your journey to holistic equine wellness?

Download my free guide to learn the exact steps to take in order to reduce chronic stress from your horse's life.

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Equine Wellness

stop stressing and start healing

If you're ready to experience the possibilities that can be reached through holistic therapies, I would love to meet you!

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Personalized equine wellness plans and health coaching for horse owners seeking connection with their horses so they can find clarity surrounding the root cause of their horses’ struggles.

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